Thursday, April 2, 2020


I went shopping 11 days ago at Save a Lot and was one of 3 shoppers at the store.  I bought a lot of food and didn't feel like we needed go go to the store again for at least a week.  Yay!  I'm trying to only go shopping 1 time a week or less and only to Save a Lot which has a small selection, small staff, and not very many shoppers.  I imagine this lowers the risk of me catching germs as I would in Sam's Club that has such a higher volume of products and customers daily.

So I made my list, last night which is unusual for me.  I had my mask and gloves ready.  My mom suggested that eye wear was also a good idea and I used a pair of glasses without prescription lenses that I thought looked less crazy than goggles would.  I carried my credit card in my pocket so that when I got to the register I could just take my left glove off, use the card, then put it back in my pocket. 

In the store I tried to never get too close to anyone and felt agitated by a man who was apparently running up and down the aisles.  Even when he was in line, he kept dodging off and running around.  But I bought so much food.

I took the van which we don't take anywhere right now; prepared with 3 rubbermaid tubs.  As I unloaded the cart (no bags), I sorted the items so that anything shelf stable (bread, canned goods, baking mix) were all in the bin to stay in the car.  Leaving these items in the car for 3 days, I wouldn't need to sanitize them. 

I untied my shoes in the car, then sanitized my hands.  Kicked off my shoes and left them in the car before getting out of the car.  I went in and we had scriptures and prayer to officially start the day.  The cold items like milk and cheese, I wiped down with 409 saturated paper towels.  Boxed items like butter, cream cheese, hamburgers, I removed the box and dumped the contents straight into the clean basket.  So much food.  I sprayed the bananas then wiped down the peels.  Lettuce and broccoli, I sprayed and wiped the bags.

The food is all in, except for what is still in car-quarantine.  I hope to not have to go shopping again for a long time.

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