Sunday, April 26, 2020

glue friends

M loves to make slime and wants to use my colorful glue to make slime.  I bought the glue after Christmas for reasons unclear to me even then.  I told her she couldn't use my precious glue for that and she said "Why do you even have it if you won't use it."  my true daughter.  So I squeezed a big dot into each of their palms and taught them the glue all over the hands past time of my childhood.  Wow, the magic.  They were all incredulous that I actually let them put glue all over their hands. 

If only they knew the many ounces of glue I put all over my hands as a child.  Of course we could never have nice things.

P does a lot to introduce the kids to pop culture from the 80s, 90s, and today.  He's very deliberate about that.  Today's glue adventure was my small contribution.  Oh yeah.

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