Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Educate Yourself!

I love "Lilo and Stitch".

I've always felt like history was a big mystery to me. Look at that rhyme with only one matching vowel. Good old English you are a train wreck. So I've conceived ( "i" before "e" except after "c") a method for learning about history through reading biographies. This is not a new approach I am aware. My own special spin on it is that I will read a totally milked down biography from the children's section first, then I will search for the most read (by that community) biography that the library has, and I will put it on hold.

The genesis of this method is that I can browse the biographies in the children's area while keeping an eye on my children. Then I can do the other steps all at home so I never have to leave my kids alone, or try and go into the stacks with them.

I'm starting with Abigail Adams.

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