Saturday, August 29, 2020

Show up

 I read the Jon Acuff book "Start" a few years ago and was inspired to draft a book called "Show up" with pithy life advice on how to show up in your relationships.  It didn't get far but I haven't mastered the art of showing up yet either.  A lady I know had Covid and I struggle to call and see how she's doing after the first flurry of calls and bringing a dinner.  I do think showing up is one of my life goals and I'm very happy when I do.  I'm very grateful for P who is awesome at showing up early and communicating. 

When we came back from Utah my watch wouldn't shift back to Eastern Time.  I have another watch but it's kind of fancy and so right now I don't wear a watch.  I have been blessed lately that I go to bed and just wake up around 7 to go on walks.  When the kids start school I'll probably like to have an alarm to get me up at 6:30 so we can start the day earlier.  

I finished the Percy Jackson series of 5 books and don't intend to read further in the series.  It had a nice ending, good closure.  I am now reading "Stuff Matters" and feeling smarter every day.  I never even knew that Materials Science was a field of study.  It's very interesting.

I love my morning walks.  I feel like that is showing up for myself.  In learning about boundaries in the last year, I am fascinated to learn to see them in others.  I hope to raise my children with strong self advocacy and also compassion.

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