Sunday, November 22, 2020

Visiting Grandparents

 For 8 months we've been visiting Ps parents through the looking glass.  Sometimes we drive to Gtown and sometimes they drive out here.  Sometimes we have a family video call.

Ps parents take the pandemic very seriously and appreciate that we also take it seriously.
"You will be wiser not to chance it, it isn't worth the risk." is a good bit of advice, perhaps my favorite new bit of advice.  But there are things that are worth the risk, like joy.  Visiting the grandparents through the window, wearing masks, grocery pick up, social distancing, these do not impact my joy.  Sickness, death, life long debilitating after effects, they are not worth the risk.  

I serve at a food bank pick up a couple times a month.  Masks and gloves are required.  One of the ladies I love will not wear mask or latex gloves.  I will bring her a beautiful mask and work gloves for next time. 

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