Saturday, May 2, 2020

Daddy Hour

We got a Spangler science subscription this year.  Yay for dad working an extra job so there is extra money to do fun things.  P takes the kids at 2pm every weekday and does fun things like Mo Wilems art videos, board games, science experiments and cultural education.  It's so awesome.    The recent experiment involved this 30 foot trash bag, running around the yard and seeing it inflate as the sun hit the black plastic.  He also had plastic beads that changed color with UV exposure.  So cool.
 Our old tent was dying so P chose this tent to be a replacement and last a long time.  The old tent lasted about 5-6 years and we camped out several times a year, sometimes a lot more when we were on a road trip.  It was a good tent and P trained the children to set it up so I don't think I ever did more than look on and smile.
In this picture we are using a selfie stick.  P is dubious.

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