Saturday, April 20, 2013

around and about

 On April 1st we tried to go to the beach and had to sit around waiting for the thunder to go away.  Then once we ventured out, after about 10 minutes we saw lightning.  So there I am 7.5 months pregnant, trying to keep the girls on the sand.  Not wanting to leave them, yet hoping G will turn around so I can tell him not to go further into the ocean where we saw the lighting!
 G and lP were laying on the table reading.  But by the time I got back with the camera G had moved.  We love it when the kids read.  It fills our hearts with gluttonous joy.

 We grew wheat grass in baskets and it was a lovely feature for weeks.  M had a great time giving them a hair cut.  Then they got dumped out of their baskets so we could take the baskets to the egg hunt.  Poor wheat grass. 
The splash park was open last week and it is new and improved!  New bathrooms.  Yay!  Expanded splash area with huge (10 ft) umbrella like thing that makes a big curtain of water.  The playground is now just a bit removed from the water, and has mulch instead of sand.  The good thing about that mulch is that kids won't be as likely to bring buckets of it and dump it onto the water feature, clogging it up.  The bad thing is that kids running barefoot on mulch is a bad idea, as M found out.  lP always takes a long time to warm up to the idea of the water spraying out at her.  She had just barely begun having fun when M cut her foot on the a-fore mentioned mulch, and we went home.

I love my kids.  They are so good.  Or I'm so crazy.  Anyway, when I say it's time to go home, they jump to it.  Occasionally I have to pick up lP.  But the kids know that if they freak out, I'll threaten, and follow through.

Months ago M and her various friends were obsessed with talking birthdays.  The cakes would be as big as tables.  They would invite everyone in every social group they belonged to.  I asked M to stop.  I told M to stop.  Finally I threatened that if she didn't stop, she would not get a birthday party.  Our family has a standardized birthday equation.  Pizza, cake, pinata at the park with every kid from church and school invited and their families.  So M knew the routine.  And she kept talking about birthdays.  So I told her she wouldn't have one.  And she accepted that.

Eventually I realized that it would actually be really convenient to not have to do the usual circus approximately 2 weeks after having given birth.  So I was really glad it fell out this way.  Now M is going to go to Burger King with Dad, G and lP for her birthday.  She's fine with that.

She's a miracle.  They all are.  Well... lP screams a lot, but she calms down and says "I'm happy" really fast when I tell her to.

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