Tuesday, October 31, 2023


M invited band kids over and got out all the instruments.
When they all come out, there are a lot of them!
L got go go to the trail of treats at his school.  He's having really good behavior lately.  I'm very grateful his new medication and consistent sleep routines are helping a lot.
M's always up for the party sunglasses.
The 3 peas had a good time at the ward trunk er treat.
At the homecoming parade the kids got a spiderman head worth of candy.  That was the only vesel we had, not having been expecting it to be so much!  Everyone loves spiderman though so we got lots of candy thrown our way.  L really acted the part, darting out into the street to rescue the candies.
lP got to play in a mini concert at her school.  This is the costume that keeps giving.
We trick or treated in our neighborhood.  I'm really glad we stayed close and got to meet some neighbors I hadn't gotten around to meeting yet.

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