Saturday, December 12, 2020

more Special Deliveries and letters

 We've done some nice baking special deliveries this month.  We've done bread, cookies and cakes.  I hope we'll do some more cookies and rolls.  At 40 I'm realizing that it's OK to do Christmas different than other people do Christmas.  I like to make batches of 1 thing and then give it to a few people rather than make batches of 5 things, and give an assortment to many people.  

 I called a friend and asked for inspiration.  She pointed me in the direction of a chocolate cake with these sugar glazed cranberries on top.  I totally did not follow the recipe but I did make some sweet brownie cakes with whipped cream frosting and sugar glazed cranberries, cooked in mini pie pans.  They looked so magical, like they had snow on them!  So pretty.

We're getting our special delivery into routes, giving to 6 families that live in the same part of town so we make the whole trip in 1 hour.  

I got started on writing letters because of something that G's elementary school principal posted on the facebook.  So I'm writing to the stranger assigned in the "Love Letters" program, but also to mentors and people the program made me think of.  I feel so blessed by letters.  When I'm writing a letter, the words sort of lay out like different paths, and I am able to process which path I want to take as I am writing, sometimes pausing to see that if I take that path (word choice) it will limit my next word...

 P has been doing the science kits with the children on Thursdays.  He is having us do scouts as a family with pack meetings 3 times a week, science on the 4th day, and on Friday he works.  I'm so glad he works.  We are so blessed and our lives are so free of stress.

 Something I have learned in the last year, and the pandemic has made easy, is to resist people taking my time.  I don't owe anybody anything except my family.  So I don't have to give my time and that is great to realize.  I want to be a person with clear boundaries and become narcissist proof, because I love myself and don't fall for flattery.

We learned of someone who moved to a new home with their parents during the pandemic.  It means having a larger home and their grandparents involved in their childrens lives daily instead of locked away from each other.  I'm so happy that is working for their family.  I'm so glad my sister L was able to have my mom come to her home (2 blocks down the road) for her last 2 months of life.   I told the children that a good question for their future spouses would be if they would be willing to have their parents come live with them.  Hopefully nobody has psycho controlling or emotionally needy parents.  But I like to think I'm a fan of multi-generational living and supporting one another.  I really hope to be a help to my children/grandchildren, but also not be all in their business.  We need to develop boundaries.

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