Tuesday, May 21, 2019

best best

I wrote a song for my best friend.  She had us over for dinner last night and I played it for her.  She's so awesome.  She inspires me to get things done.  I've never composed lyrics and tune before, let alone performing it.  It's pretty wonderful having someone inspire such creativity.
I'm not a morning person, yet I wake up earlier each day
to walk the miles, and miles and miles.
I smile. She smiles and smiles.

I gave my best friend and old belt;
rainbow elastic with a tarnished clasp,
To help her keep her own pants up
When I'm not there to hold her hand.

She named it... She-Ra.

I've never had much interest in health and nutrition
because bread... is my love language...

I gave my best friend and old belt;
rainbow elastic with a tarnished clasp,
To help her keep her own pants up
When I'm not there to hold her hand.

She named it... She-Ra.

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