Sunday, June 2, 2024

Girls camp

  This year I was serving as a YCL specialist.  I met with 15 girls (never all at once) to plan Wednesday of girls camp.  This stake is serious about youth leadership.  They had 3 meetings with everyone who could come and encouraged us to have 2 meetings with just our day group.  The girls decided what, when, how long, and who of their day.  

Wednesday did 4 short lessons in rotation so 8 girls were involved in that planning and teaching.  Later in the day they did 3 activities in rotation, another 6 girls, with some overlap.  They planned and administered a Q&A session with 4 YCLs and 1 adult.  They had a songfest, faith walk, and testimony meeting.  All of this was planned and carried out by the girls.  They asked adults they wanted to be involved.  They decided what songs to sing.  A young woman started and ended testimony meeting.  The adults did get the blindfolds and set up the tree for testimony meeting.  But there was incredibly minimal adults talking, all day, all camp.  I'm so grateful I got to support them and that my girls got to be a part of it.

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