Friday, February 24, 2023

painting doors- There's a talk in that.

 Our children carved their names and other precious things like "I hate dad" into the doors of the home.  They looked pretty bad.  I started painting them 2 years ago.  I have learned a lot in the process.  I recently re-painted the first door because it looked bad and had worn in some places.


The change in vibe is amazing.  The dark doors used to draw a lot of attention and light.  Now they are neutral, light.  I love it.  

So I'm thinking what are the dark doors in my life.  Places that are functional but dark.  Can I make them light?  

Memories?  How can I add perspective and gratitude to my past?

Unpleasant tasks?  

Cleaning the house...?

I think gratitude turns dark to light.

Put a coat of gratitude on the dark times in your life.  Even if all you can do is be grateful for lessons learned, that is important.

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