Sunday, December 19, 2021

party party party

 Our ward had a breakfast yesterday morning.  The tables were set up outisde and it was a glorious day.  I was not helpful but did take the tablecloths home.  lP had a birthday party right after.  She got to mini-golf, arcade play, and go-cart drive for 3 hours!  I came home and made food for dinner and Sunday events. Our neighborhood had a go-cart/bike parade at 6 followed by appetizers.  Luckily I had made 2 batches of brownies.  

Today we'll be singing "Angels we have heard on high" with bells in Sacrament meeting.  The deaf branch is having a linger longer and baptism afterward.  I'm preparing the hams for the branch.  For my family I'm bringing brownies, rolls, mashed potatoes and broccoli.  

Monday or Tuesday I think I'll put in with a kayak and try to go south to moultrie point.

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