Tuesday, December 14, 2021

impulse := prompting

 Today I thought of doing something small.  That impulse turned out to be a prompting to send a specific message to someone.  I love being reminded that we are all God's children and that he loves us. 

I got my covid booster and have been feeling sensitive in bad ways.  I'm glad I was sensitive in a good way too.

Tonight as we studied "The Family: a proclamation to the world" we got into a lengthy discussion about personal revelation and who is allowed to have revelation for you.  We forewarned the children that nobody who says they got a revelation to marry them, is a person they should marry.

L cut his hair very unfortunately yesterday.  It's so close in places that I haven't even bothered shaving it yet.  Skin.  Tonight during our discussion he looked up lovingly at me and said "I want your hair to look like mine."  Love.

We've registered L for school because his needs are different than the other kids.  We aren't in a co-op with classes so he doesn't have structure and peers.  We're so busy getting the big kids to school and following up on lP and B's school work, that L maybe gets 30 minutes of focused attention each day + an awesome nap with mom.  

We got the paperwork started in the fall for him to start kindergarten.  Delta was going crazy and 5+ kids still couldn't get vaccinated.  He's fully vaccinated now so hopefully this is a good time for him to go.

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