Sunday, April 18, 2021

soap carving


P teaches the kids cubscout lessons 4 days a week during our P Pack.  This week he taught them about knives and they carved dial soap into ducks.  G carved his into a nintendo switch controller.  We gave them to aunts E and L when they visited on Saturday.
We go to the beach less often than M would like, but more often than the other 4 would prefer.  This day was windy and kind of cold, but everyone did get in.  We have to drive south of Spyglass to get a parking spot because it's still Spring Break season.  I feel so sad for the people who come here during this season.  The weather is so unpredictable and cold!  But some days are incredibly beautiful.

I have sewn several hundred masks for church, family, community and the Auntie Sewing Squad.  When someone in the group made patches I got one.  I am not a super auntie, but I have enjoyed doing 2 pledges for them.

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