Sunday, September 22, 2019

leading music on a Super Saturday

I got to lead the music for a stake leadership meeting on Saturday.  The organist emailed and asked what tempo I would like the hymns to be.  I replied with tempos at least 25% faster than the typical range.  He took me at my word and played them fast.  It was really fun.

Saturday was amazing.  M and I attended an exercise class at Marineland.  It was a HIIT in front of the dolphin tanks.  So amazing.  M was in a different group than me.  There were other young girls who ran off or stood around when it started to rain.  M kept going through the 5 rounds of 7 exercises.  I was glad she put in the work. A member of the group came up to me at the end and asked if she was my daughter and said she had worked hard the whole time.

Afterward we went out to clean the beach for International Peace Day and were given free passes for the whole family, who joined us at the clean up. 

We came home and had lunch.  The children were eager to have their computer time that they had earned all week long.  This was our first week of not having computer turns during the week.  Instead the children earned time for the school work, or bike miles, and piano practice they did.  Everyone earned at least an hour.  While I was gone at Stake Conference they each played many more hours than they earned I'm sure.  But overall it was a significant decrease from their usual "living for computer time" lifestyle.  It had gotten to the point that I felt like we couldn't go to the park or library during their computer hours.  Lame.  So we change and adapt. 


Lucinda said...

I really like going up-tempo on the hymns too.
Computer such a parenting struggle. I remember when we were young, it was tv. I think computering is both better and worse, like pretty much everything these days compared to when we were kids.

Lucky Day said...

One thing I like about the kids watching movies is that they are held in attention for a long time. It seems like a lot of things they are doing on the computer are quick and then they move on. And the main thing is that everyone can watch a movie together. They aren't fighting about turns.