Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Today we had various challenges.  Mostly it was a quiet day but after dropping my mom off at the airport we realized her phone was still in the car.  I sent M and G in to see if they could see her at the service desk.  Apparently they went into the bowels of the airport enough to know she had passed security.  The guy monitoring the waiting and drop off area gave me permission to take the phone to the desk myself, but they wouldn't take it.  They did page my mom so we went and parked the car to take everyone in.  I'm so glad I called P who sensibly said I should just park.  It was an obvious next step but somehow I was worried that if I left the curb, my mom may come out and I wouldn't be there.  We met up with her in the food court and got to say goodbye again.

Later in the evening we got free slurpies.  The kids were so grateful to share around 1 small slurpie.  They didn't make a mess and were so, so, so grateful.  I love to treat them and not let them get too entitled.

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