Monday, August 17, 2015

Curious kids

M loves books about pets, and human development.  While G is trying to make sure he's read every book in the Geronimo Stilton series (about a news editor mouse...), M is over in Juvenile Non-Fiction finding books like this.  This week she brought home one that was for the 10+ age set, so I'm reading it to know what it's saying.  And it's saying a lot.  So much that I'm talking to her a lot to fill in the gospel perspective on the things she's been reading.  G's been reading it.  lP's been reading it too!  Fortunately lP probably doesn't understand most of the content...  She is a very good reader, but she is also a very sheltered 4 year old.

I'm grateful for the gospel perspective on sexual intimacy.  The world, and this book, say "Do whatever feels good, it's fine!"  But the doctrine of saving intimacy for marriage is a great blessing.  I think of it like if you were given a very nice car at birth; your body...  So if you draw on the seats, spill ice cream on the gear shift, stomp on the peddles for fun, by the time you're old enough to use it for the purpose of driving, it's not in great shape.  Our bodies are literally temples for our spirits and certain physical abilities have a sacred purpose.  The sacred purpose of our sexuality is to have children within a marriage.  Children deserve to have a mom and a dad.  God wants the best for us. That is his plan.

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