Thursday, September 8, 2011

Let's take a picture!

I was trying to catch this nice smile-with-new-haircut picture of G for this children's newspaper. And I found the unanticipated benefit that our new TV doesn't reflect the flash.

So it almost looks like (I can pretend anyway) that it's like taking a picture of him at a show.
Or a picture of her with her hero!
Check out this awesome Frog suit we found at the kids consignment store. M couldn't decide if she wanted to be a clown, or a flower, or tinkerbell which she knew she couldn't be because tinkerbell isn't modest... So finding this great costume saves me from worrying about what she may or may not decide to dress up as.


Okishdu said...

That is a fabulous frog suit!

Heather Bigley said...

but are frogs modest?

Lucky Day said...

This frog will be! : ) I've got a month and a half to find some fabric in a complimentary yellow or green.