Sunday, May 5, 2024

Family Retreat

 Friday night we went to a family retreat for families with deaf kids.  This group has state and commercial sponsors so it only cost$50 for our family.  It was incredibly nice and the kids had a great time.  Many of the people there had small children with implants.  The mission of this organization is "If it works for the child it is the right decision."   Some signed, a lot did not.  But it was really nice for that to be a non-issue.  We all got along and enjoyed the common struggle like IEP meetings.  There was a formal interpreter and captions for sessions and farm tour.  But it was more chill, like our old home ward.  The camp where it was held was so nice.  Our family had a large room in a house with a common room.  We took a really nice hike on Saturday including a swinging bridge that lP triumphed over.  I love our family.

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