Sunday, September 19, 2021

Putting their shoulder to the bumper

 This weekend we traveled to visit Grandma L.  S and C are visiting B and K's family in Macedonia.  Grandma L's car wasn't working and we planned to jump start it.  We backed it out of the garage to get the batteries close enough.  After a long time charging, we realized that the starter was broken.  We worked to push it back up the driveway and called the kids to come push as well.  They loved that.

P and G are helping with hurricane clean up in Louisiana, staying with C and A.  I'm very grateful that they could go and it was lovely to video chat with C and A.  I'm grateful for my family.

I spoke in church about the song of the righteous.  P was going to speak as well but instead asked my friend JC to speak.  She and I have served together and helped each other through so many times.  She is awesome.  We both sang periodically in our talks.  It was really neat to share the meeting with her.

It was my turn to teach ASL Sunday School this week so I was trying to prepare both a talk and a Sunday School lesson this week.  So of course I also set these words to music because that was a great idea. 

With P out of town, I stayed up too late and didn't eat great.  That combination is actually great for my creativity.  I love musical revelation.  Preparing a talk and a lesson also had me in a very sensitive zone so it was the perfect time to write some music. 

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