Saturday, March 7, 2020

Early Cheetos and behavior modification

I am not a prompt person.  I always underestimate the time it will take to get in the car and the time it will take to drive to places. 

A few months ago I got a pack of gum and let the children share a piece of gum when we arrived early for things like church or picking someone up.  But the gum is gone and last week I was late for most everything.

Last week we also put a lot of effort into running a fundraiser for girls camp.  Also last week, I made a dress (!) and exercized 3 times, held 190 and shopped obsessively for a van.

I mentioned in passing to M that I might do better at arriving early if the reward was something I could even eat, like Cheetos. 

P loves me so much that he ordered a gigantic box of Cheetos immediately.  He really values being early-on-time.  He also believes in the power of his team mate, me, to have dramatic behavior modification.  He's seen me do amazing things.  So here's to early cheetos.   Huzah!

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