Sunday, December 8, 2024

Christmas break

 I am finished with finals.  I'm pretty sure I got all A's but the university online system was having a lot of issues so grades aren't in.  I took my finals last week before things crashed.  Yay!  Doing assignments early has been a super power for me this semester.  I do much better when I'm not under a deadline.  It feels good to get things done a week early.  When I get close to a due date, I stress instead of getting things done. 
I know that working under pressure is considered a virtue.  I have lived under pressure for so long with raising kids and all the crisis that happen day by day.  I'd rather be like the farm hand that can sleep when the winds blow, because they did all the work before the storm arrived.

One of my professors is a real educator.  She has a larger vision for the students we need to become.  I have learned the most about myself as a learner, and how to study effectively because of the assignments she gave us.  She had us write papers, outlines, video presentations and oral presentations.  I'm so grateful for her.

My strategy for getting ahead on the content is to look through each chapter and make an outline before the lecture.  I add the lecture topics to my outline and fill in other material from the book as I have time to.  While I am off for the next month, I plan to have all the outlines for 2 of my classes before the first day off classes. One of the classes even has a bulleted list in each chapter of "Main points".  Nice!  I use a paper planner to assign myself tasks to stay on top of these non-graded learning strategies. 

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