Sunday, January 21, 2024

Iced in, 10 day weekend

 School was canceled Friday 1/12 for a wind storm.  Monday 1/15 was the Martin Luther King holiday and it snowed mid day.  The snow turned to sleet and then froze.  School was canceled each day that week.  We stayed home and had fun.  The kids did some sledding, some piano practice, some math and a lot of computer time.  It felt a bit like covid quarantine, and way better than a hurricane, as far as isolation.  

We are so grateful for our home.  It is such an incredible blessing to have a nice home to keep us safe and dry.  The kids still feel she smallness of it, but it is so awesome.  All 6 of us were hanging out in the kitchen/office one day.  I love the different spaces of this house.  I'm looking forward to warmer days when we can use the porches again.

M wanted to hang out with friends and most days we told her "No, it isn't safe to drive."  Today she finally got to go out with friends.

lP has a friend that lives down the street and we went sledding with them twice.  

P and I went on a walk together Tuesday and saw that the roads were all completely covered in a hard layer of snow/ice.  Even the big road at the end of our street was a solid sheet.  I couldn't believe people were driving on it.  

On Thursday and Friday we treked over to Murry Dr. that has a steeper hill.  We had to cross the big road and it was still mostly covered in ice at that point.  By Friday afternoon the big road did have ruts mostly to the pavement and it rained in the evening.

We shoveled our driveway in the rain and by Saturday the remaining ice had melted.  I'm glad we got it clear then because now temperatures are below freezing for several days. 

P did a grocery run Friday because we were out of milk, flour and sugar.  Saturday we went out again because the boys wanted a treat for cleaning their room.  We decided to get pizza too.  I enjoyed having everyone home for every meal for 9 day.  Church will be just Sacrament Meeting.  lP, B and I have colds so we'll stay home.  This has been sweet.

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