Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Family History: The cookie

 P had me tell the kids this story tonight and I figured it should go up for posterity.
P and I were camp counselors for Summerfest when we met.  We each had a group of 8ish teenagers we were in charge of and my girls thought P and me were a match.  We had enjoyed talking and there was a dance coming up.  I couldn't find P for a long time at the dance.  Eventually I did find him and when a slow song came on I thought we might dance.  He was holding a cookie and didn't ask me to dance.  He says I asked him but he was terrified and we didn't dance.  I was contacted shortly thereafter to go and sit in a professors office with a young girl who had gone off campus with an older boy.  P and I never did dance at Summerfest that summer and it has been an awkward conversation ever since.

He's taking me on a trip to California this summer to prove that he really does like me, and to celebrate our 20th anniversary, on our 22nd anniversary because... covid.

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