Sunday, March 24, 2019


When we're on trips, I often see people riding bikes and think how cool that looks.  P recently got a bike trailer and we went to a rails to trails location.
 We've been collecting more bikes in the last year, so everyone has a ride!
 M got this water backpack for her birthday and uses it as a go to pack.  It's been great. 
 You can't see it but lP is pulling down her sun glasses to give a cool look.
B was tireless.  He rides this sweet bike we got for lP 2 years ago.  It was actually this bike that we got from a thrift store that highlighted how the kids really needed better bikes.  G and M loved to ride this bike even though it was too small.  So eventually we saved up and got the Yellow Bike and the Blue Bike.  G is riding the Orange bike P got for his big ride to Gtown.

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